Monday, August 18, 2008

What is up

What is up everybody. The Valderrama familia is doing good here in Utah. Summer had been good. The kids have spent almost 8 hrs a day outside everyday, which has been nice for Melanie and myself when I have been home.

School has started again. The Olympics are in full swing. Which means football season is just around the corner.

Brooke is 4 and acting like she is going on 10. She loves High School Musical movies.

Dylan is 7 and loves to play outside with his friends. If he could have his way he would live outside. He has taken two face plants on his razor scooter and has lost 2 teeth. That's one way to loose them.

Melanie is busy with work and taking care of the kids.

I am staying busy too. Working and have my website. I am working with the scouts. Also football season is just around the corner and I am excited for. That means watching football with some friends and bbq's.

More updates to come later.

What are you up to?

7 comments: said...

By the way, I like the "CHINO FOR LIFE" message in your title. ODELAY!

Casey said...

Yeah, we've been wondering where the Valderrama's are and what they are doing. I'll be stalking your blog so keep up with the posts. :)

Tara said...

Your kids are so cute! Say hi to Melanie for me.

Debi Morin said...

you can tell I don't look at my emails very often, but finally I did! I love your Valder page. The kids are getting so big and so cute! Great job all round!

Mead Family said...

So proud of you guys for joining the blogging world!! I'm so slow at looking and updating too but LOVE the pictures! So good to see ya'll last month.

Happily Ever After said...

Hey guys! Remember me from the old Chino Singles Ward Days? I found you on Marque's blog. Your kiddos are adorable! Take care!

Leslie said...

Hey Jason and Melanie! I'm so glad to find your blog. The kiddos are so cute, but no surprise there.

I went to see your Mom a couple weeks ago. We had pizza, swam a little, and talked, and talked! She said you were encouraging them to blog. I encouraged her too.

Wasn't the blog Marque did on you cool? He appreciates your friendship so much.

Love you guys tonz!

Mom Trosper